I am saddened by this situation as this is really a sick act by a bunch of people who love to simply accuse without any proof. For the record, I am absolutely not Sitt Wuzura and I have never known this person before. I was not even aware about this issue until 3 days ago where I got an alert by some facebook friends that I was being wrongfully accused. The first time I ever read her blog was also 2 days ago when I had to show evidence to the police. For your information, I have made a police report against Gaysec and anyone else for the wrongful accusation, for posting my personal details in public, and for encouraging the public to harrass me, including making death threats at me. Dear friends, please let us spread the truth during this holy month where it is not merely avoiding from eating and drinking, but most importantly avoiding from spreading lies and fitna, as well as seeking truth and enlightenment.
Kalau tengok statement ni aku rasa bukan dia..tengok dalam blog Arlene pun dia guna full english..tak campur sikit pun melayu..dalam website mak cik sitt tu guna bahasa melayu..lagi pun bahasa melayu yang mak cik tu pakai agak kemelayuan sikit hehehe...tatabahasa mak cik tu pun tinggi sangat sampai ketaq lutut baca blog mak cik sitt tu hehe..seram siot...memang tak takut mati betul mak cik sitt al wuzara tu
Kalau tengok kaedah team gaysec siasat tu pun cuma googling je..aku ingatkan team gaysec tu hack masuk website mak cik tu ke..hack masuk email mak cik tu ke.hack masuk komputer mak cik tu ke..track ip adress mak cik tu ke...baru terer hehe..ini cuma berdasarkan comment2 kt facebook je..adeh
So nasihat aku kepada bloggers2..jgn terburu2 duk post sape identiti mak cik sitt tu..kita sendiri takde bukti yang betul2 kukuh.....takut2 nanti jadi fitnah plak...even mak cik sitt tu pun dah keluarkan kenyataan arlene tu bukan dia..hahaha....
betul tu .. rasanya salah orang nie !
'cuma berdasarkan comment2 kat facebook je..'?
ReplyDeleteaigoo..sangatlah telus penyiasatannya
suka sangat cari jalan mudah..aishh
pengakuan Makcik Hajjah Sitt Al-Wuzara sendiri bahawa dia bukan anlene tan... geng2x gaysec jgan tuduh orang sebarangan tanpa usul periksa....http://makcikhajjahsittalwuzara1001.wordpress.com/
ReplyDeletetak terpasal ja la kan..kesian kat dia...
ReplyDeletegaysec tu wat2 terrer ja.....
mengaku hackers....
apa la..?