Kagum dengan cara datuk seri hishammudin speking

setiap hari aku tgk press conf yg dihandle oleh datuk seri hishammudin..disini aku ingin melahirkan rasa kagum dengan public speking datuk seri hishammudin..cara dia speking english tu..wowww..so aku tertanya2..cara dia speking english tu mesti ada kaitan dengan background education dia..so aku cari2..memang terbukti lah..dia pernah bersekolah di aliran english dulu..pastu amik degree law lg..no wonder lah speking mcm ayaq ja.lancar gila..hehe speking gak aku hehe...ni detail background dia


He was attending Malay College Kuala Kangsar before his father became Deputy Prime Minister in 1973. Upon his father's appointment to the post, he attended St. John's Institution in Kuala Lumpur before going on to the Alice Smith School, also in Kuala Lumpur. From Alice Smith School, he went to the English public school,Cheltenham College.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth in 1984. He also attended London School of Economics and received a Master of Laws (LL.M) degree in Commercial and Corporate Law in 1988.

Aku pun speking gak omputih ngn engineer2 dari china gak tiap2 hari masa keje..tapi berterabur gila lah english..konsep aku senang ja..janji maksud sampai..haha..tgk org jepun..omputih pun tak reti tapi teknologi dorang sgt hebat...semua buku engineering dorang dlm jepun..command manual semua dlm japanese..perghhh...klau ada org nk hijack satelited dorang klau masuk dlm satelite dorang mesti pening sbb semua command dlm japanese

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