Piala dunia bola dh makin hampir..harraz pun tak terkecuali ada team dia sendiri..harraz memilih utk sokong jepun sbb masa ibu dia tanya sokong team mana masa nk beli baju tu, abah dia ngn harraz tido jadi ibu dia anggap harraz sokong jepun lah hehehe.....tapi abah dia beli jersey brazil yg tiruan punya kat econsave kajang kihkihkih....ibu dia tak tau lah sokong team mana..tp dulu ibu dia sokong german...
Demam world cup: Harraz sokong jepun
Piala dunia bola dh makin hampir..harraz pun tak terkecuali ada team dia sendiri..harraz memilih utk sokong jepun sbb masa ibu dia tanya sokong team mana masa nk beli baju tu, abah dia ngn harraz tido jadi ibu dia anggap harraz sokong jepun lah hehehe.....tapi abah dia beli jersey brazil yg tiruan punya kat econsave kajang kihkihkih....ibu dia tak tau lah sokong team mana..tp dulu ibu dia sokong german...
Harraz dh pandai ckp i love you
Skang umur harraz dh 2 bulan 8 hari..ckp kt harraz i love you.pastu dia ajuk balik hehe..omel kan..
Usia harraz dah genap 2 bulan
13hb aritu maka genaplah usia putera kesayangan ku Harraz Qadri..harraz suka senyum bila mood dia ok..selalunya waktu pagi pas mandi..lg satu time dia lali mengantuk nk tido..takda sapa kacau pun dia senyum sorang ehehe...
Trademark dia suka jelir lidah mintak susu..hehe..tapi paling tak tahan bila dia tgk abah dia kt bahagian dada sambil jelir2 lidah mintak susu...uiksssss..itu petandanya aku kena mengurangkan lg berat badan supaya tak gendut kihkihkih....harraz gud job..pandai harraz perli abah erk....bluekkk....p
Ok lah..insyallah kalau tak busy aku update lg bila usia dia dh tiga bulan...
Kenapa orang melayu kurang berjaya dalam business berbanding cina
Sebenarnya kebanyakkan yg buat bisness ni byk yg family dorang memang asal buat bisness..jd anak2 mereka just sambung atau besarkan perniagaan turun temurun..kita tgk org cina dari dulu lg sejak zaman british dh berniaga..jd anak2 dorang just sambung perniagaan tradisi dorang atau besarkan lg..
Ayah syed mokhtar al bukhari pun dulu buat bisness gak...masalah nk berniaga ni slalunya memang modal..bg yg takda modal..memang kena start buat bisness kecik2 dulu..
Org melayu memang ramai terjebak dgn skim cepat kaya..lg satu skim MLM..ramai mau kaya cepat dgn hanya cari dua tiga org downline..hehe...
Pak aji yang sgt cool!!!
These 25 Tree Houses Are More Whimsical Than Your Wildest Dreams And They Actually EXIST!
This house looks like something out of a movie, and it's three stories high.
Hapuku Lodge is a resort that gives visitors a unique bird's eye view of the amazing environment that New Zealand has to offer. It achieves all of this without sacrificing absolute luxury.
This house has been made entirely of mirrors, and the effect is mesmerizing!
The "O2 Treehouse" looks like a bubble that's about to float away.
It's easy to see what the inspiration for this one was... a bird's nest.
This one is called "The HemLoft Treehouse."
The front design on this one is really intriguing, and highlights its vertical structure.
This is the Yellow Treehouse Restaurant. Imagine getting dinner in there!
What looks like a simple cabin in the woods is actually suspended in a tree. Amazing.
Built around four trees, with minimal impact to the environment, 4TreeHouse was created by Lukasz Kos. The three stories offer spectacular views of the surrounding forest from varying levels.
This one is called the Free Spirit Sphere Treehouse.
This minimalist house was created by Takashi Kobayashi.
This Senior Center looks like it got swept up by the wind and landed there!
Birds and people alike can enjoy the Andu Momofuku Centre.
This two-tiered Costa Rican tree house is specially designed to be eco-friendly.
The "Teahouse Tetsu" looks like an amazing place to relax and enjoy the cherry blossoms.
Made out of a plane, this one looks like it could be a scene out of Lost!
Imagine waking up to that view every day.
No, this isn't a UFO landing... it's a house! Quite the clever design, isn't it?
Go back in time with this Victorian-style tree house.
This grand house is home to two incredibly lucky children, who really enjoy visiting their grandparents. At over 100 square feet, i'm insanely jealous of these kids.
"Too-High Teahouse" was built by a Japanese professor of architecture in 2004 as a perfect spot to share a cup of tea with his father.
This modern home boasts a sophisticated design with the playful elements that make a treehouse. Open to the elements, there's no better place to be one with nature.
The Honeycomb Tree House was designed by the Los Angeles Museum of Art and is now owned by guitarist Robby Krieger. He uses the sphere as a place to escape and write music.
Childhood dreams have never looked so incredible!